Wednesday, 14 April 2010

This is hard!

Okay, not really. It's actually quite easy, but I'm finding that I have trouble remembering to think of things to write about. So I'm just going to inanely babble about my life for a while. Is that a way to become a famous blogger? Well, no, probably not.
But I don't want fans. I like friends.
Before the babble, though, there's one more element of the horror story to discuss: Status. Have you noticed that macho guys like watching scary movies with girls? Yeah, it's because we like reaffirming that we possess one of those ancient greek ideals. Manliness or something. And because you want the girl to snuggle up next to you.
Horror stories are the same way. The jumpy guy loses status. The cool-headed guy gains status. Oh yeah, sure, I'm sure all you alpha males out there are getting indignant, so let me clear something up: You can say that you're testing yourself, or you like the suspense, or that you're preparing your nerves for a real situation. That's fine, you're lying to yourself, too. You enjoy your ephemeral superiority.
Shifting gears.
I've been using this "skype" thing for a day or so. It's okay. Free phone calls? Sweet, I'm on board. chat program? Also cool. It's just redundant for me, since I have google voice. Same capabilities. But fewer of my friends have it. So NYAAAH. Farts on you, friends, for not using google.
Plus facebook chat, which is I think my most commonly used method of communication. Yay for friends using that.
Unrelatedly, if you know a girl in Romania, give her a hug.
I'm out of things to say.

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