So yes, I'll continue writing here occasionally, and no I won't be posting often enough to gain much attention. I like it that way. Most of you get these updates through Facebook Notes, so you'll still get my occasional supplementary content like viral quizzes.
So what do I think matters? Doing what feels right. The easiest way to discern that is by when we're happy and when we aren't. That's not the only way, but it is an easy way. This is going to be another post related to "I Win," so for those of you who are really familiar with the idea of synthetic happiness, you can probably go get a drink and stop reading very carefully.
There is some good in everything. My car broke down sixty miles away from home, and only though the help of strangers did I get it into Springfield. That was last Friday. I've been without a car all week, but I've still been connected to the world enough to be happy. Going out with friends, talking to people on Facebook, keeping conversations running through text messages. When have I been really happy? When I've been talking with people. When I've been getting new ideas, or hearing old ones, or sharing thoughts with the people I consider friends. How many of you have had the same experience? Feeling like you're going crazy because you're out of touch with your friends? I'm betting I'm not the only one.
So why does this make me happy? Because it's easy for me. It isn't always the path of least resistance. People often disagree with what I say, which makes me think about it, and consider things that I might have otherwise missed. I often disagree with my friends as well. That's how it works. If we were all the same, there would be no reason to share thoughts.
For me, conversation is right. My post about conversation as the art of humanity should be a dead giveaway on that. For other people making things is right. Or helping others. Or any number of other things. But for me, conversation is right. Find what's right for you. Do what you're meant to do. Dare to be happy.