Conversation is satisfying. I really enjoy talking. I’m sure that if you know me very well at all, you’re aware of just how much I enjoy talking. Talking alone in my room without an audience just to hear my own thoughts outside my head, to see if they make sense in the real world. Talking in a group of people at a party about nothing, just enjoying the fact that we can hear and see other people, reveling in the social contact. Talking to friends one on one for hours, without any real purpose, but feeling satisfied at the end. Talking with friends about the important things in life, questioning things that we really believe and hold dear, and having a different perspective on the universe when the conversation is over.
There are ideas out there, rogue constructions that aren’t as satisfying. They’re barely even conversation. These things are usually called logical fallacies. I often call them terrorism, which I learned from this site. These are things that are based not on form, or on content, but rather on things that are not logical. Am I then saying that conversation should be wholly logical? My friends, of course that isn’t what I am saying. These are tools of argument, and tools of poor argument at that. Poor argument, however, has no place in conversation. Emotion, humor and sarcasm are ways to flavor conversation, but poor argument is a way to end
I am not pointing fingers, admonishing anyone who uses these tactics on occasion. I think there are times that we all feel backed into the corner or just use them without even realizing it. But what reason have we to defend? We’re talking about conversation, not a thesis. Don’t defend, just enjoy. Bask in the conversation. Be satisfied.